This group’s main function is to keep the school and church in good shape structurally. Roofs, windows and heating and air are top priorities. We also take care of internal repairs in the church, school, and rectory as needed.
A group of Parish Members are responsible for the flower beds and plantings surrounding the school, Grotto, rectory and church, but not including the cemetery. This includes planting, pruning, weeding and watering of trees, bushes and flowers.
A second group donates their time to cut the lawn around the playground and rectory, and also the green space to the North of the school. The church’s lawn equipment is used, and with the current group each volunteer cuts once every 3-4 weeks.
This group maintains records of internment and ownership burial rights. They set charges and handle disbursements and other financial concerns involving the cemetery. They oversee the maintenance for the entire facility and preparation of the gravesites for burials and other necessary arrangements for funerals.
The parish finance council sets sound policies of management of parish funds and properties. The parish finance council organizes the temporal goods of the parish for the implementation of the parish program to accomplish the parish mission. It is responsible for soliciting funds, managing the parish budget and facilities, thus enabling the parish to carry out its mission. The Finance Council oversees parish revenues and expenses. They set up budgets, monitor the financial reports, and advise the pastoral leader on utilizing the parish resources. Terms are for 3 years.
The council, with the Pastoral Coordinator and input from staff members, prayerfully consider what the Spirit of God is calling the parish to be and become. Members of the council and the Pastoral Coordinator come to an understanding of the spiritual as well as physical concerns and needs of the people of the parish and broader community. The council assists the Pastoral Coordinator in the development of parish policies and strategies to address those concerns and needs.
This includes the formulation of a parish mission statement, the assessment of needs, a review of parish committee activities and the establishment of parish goals and priorities. Terms are for 3 years.
The Stewardship Committee works to encourage prayer, service and sharing in the Parish. They work with the Parish Ministries Coordinator to increase participation of parish members and welcome new members to the Parish. They currently also serve as the Social Justice Concerns Group, coordinating events such as our Christmas Giving Tree, the collection of basic needs items for the community and for the parish. The committee meets once a month from September-May. Terms are for 3 years.
Parish Trustees are elected to represent the parish in financial and legal matters. One Trustee is Treasurer and the other Trustee is the Secretary. Responsibilities include signing checks and important documents and attending finance meetings. Terms are for 2 years.
Saint Mary Worship and Spiritual Life Committee is a standing committee of the Parish Pastoral Council, whose overall purpose is to assist the pastor in planning and providing for the spiritual care, growth and development of St. Mary parishioners and visitors to the parish through prayer and retreat experiences, liturgical celebrations and other spiritual growth programs. We assist the pastor in the training and oversight of those involved in liturgical ministry as well as in educating parishioners in issues relating to the Sacred Liturgy.
We meet once a month except during the summer.